Tuesday, February 03, 2009

God's better idea



“耶和華我們的主阿、你的名在全地何其美,你將你的榮耀彰顯於天。” 詩篇8篇1節

如果神可以憑藉「一個意念」來創造這個奇妙的世界,那今天你所面對的難題又何足掛齒呢?那管是金融海嘯、婚姻危機、健康問題、甚或是致命的癌症,我們全知全能的神都會聽我們禱告。 這創造宇宙的神 就是你隨時的幫助,就請向祂求告和求助吧!



你現在正面對著什麼難題呢?請向那憑藉「一個意念」來創造這個奇妙世界的神求助。今天就向祂禱告 ,求衪作我們的幫助 。


英文原著 : 「生命權能」聖經

2 February 2009

God’s better idea

"Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens." – Psalm 8:1

If God could create our majestic world with just a thought, what about the problems you are facing today? Whether financial struggles, marital issues, health concerns, or even life-threatening cancer, our omnipotent God is just a prayer away. The God who created our universe is your helper, so reach out to him and claim his help.Claim big things. Claim healing. Claim joy. Claim peace. He will not turn a deaf ear to your pleas for help. He wants the best for us, his children. He loves to delight and surprise us. Even if things turn out different than we would have thought, God's thoughts are better. It’s not unusual for him to have a better idea.So look at the heavens, look at this majestic world, and remember that God will help you.

What problems are you facing? Reach out to God who created our majestic world with just a thought and pray, claiming his help today.

From ‘Power for Life’ Bible

請瀏覽 「權能時間 」 網頁: http://www.hourofpower.org.hk

** 逆境不再,強者永在!*

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