Tuesday, March 28, 2006

相愛易 相處難

今天重溫李天命談愛情的演講,讚歎欣賞! 輯錄其中一段分享:

「相愛易,相處難」,似乎只是陳腔濫調,其實是至理名言。意大利詩人裴多菲有一首詩就這樣說 : 「樹上櫻桃千萬顆,我卻只有一個老婆,但就是一個已經嫌太多,她早晚終於會氣死我。」很難想像他曾寫過 : 「生命承可貴,愛情價更高。」



戀人相處,小心眼的人不願擺明說自己不開心,認為要自己說出來會很傷自尊心、不是味兒、沒意思,但又不能表現得完全若無其事,因為這麼一來對方就不會察覺「原來你不開心」。這時候就要找出一條微妙的界線 : 要隱隱約約、在若有若無之間表露出來,讓對方嗅到一些蛛絲馬跡 ... ...
在這個遊戲中必須緊記的是 : 適可而止。

如果愛情是動物性,單純是性,便很難解釋有些愛情會犠牲 。如果兩個人經常迫在一起,人性便會日久生厭、容易衝突。然而我們不能因為對方具有動物性或生理上的性質,便界定對方不珍惜關係,或界定這不是真正的愛情。只要克服這些相處的難關,便要恭喜各位!


"As far as the east is from the west, so far has God removed our transgressions from us."-Psalm 103:12

When God forgives, God forgets! Someone once said that when you bury the hatchet, don't leave the handle above the ground. You can always find the hatchet again that way, and dig it up again. God never digs up our past when He forgives! Isn't that beautiful! I am set free by God's loving forgiveness.

I ought to be glad, I will live in the peace of my forgiveness. I've some friends who loved me deeply.

Sparkless ending

Somehow I kept thinking about Wah in this trip. We planned to go to Hokkaido before I quitted Apple Daily. We would not seen each other in the future, eventhough we did have loved deeply.

Sometimes I thought about Margarita who had been driven me crazy in the past. He kept me in his second place. He played the leading role is Mr. Big.

Whoever was be loved or loved me, it's not an easy way.

Forgive me! I don't know how to love actually. Especially for "him" I wonder better evade each other.

Time is proof. I couldn't feel strength, he unclasped my hand from his hand.

I try to conceal who is the guy, cause hard to tell it will be sparkless at the end.