Sunday, June 04, 2006

Tea Bag Theory

今早聽到「茶包」道理,When you're go through now, do not fear, because it is blessing. Such like water are boiling, tea are drawing. (水越滾,茶香越濃)When we're in the tough time, DO NOT FEAR, IT BEGIN TO BE HEALED TIL WE'LL NOT TO FEAR ANYMORE. IT REALLY COME TO BE BLESSING.

Everyone shall have a saving account, count on the gift of Jesus Christ. We're in a whatever tough time, The pastor encourages us to count on gifts of Jesus Christ in the past, keep our eyes opening to see his love, whenever we are in the dark, helping us to go through, and the time will be pass by.

然後,再一次聽到我最愛的聖經金句 -- 詩篇23篇



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