Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Unlovely people

"Share each other's troubles and problems, and so obey our Lord's command."-Galatians 6:2 (LB)

Sometimes God sends into our lives people who are unlovely and very difficult to care for. All too often these people give us plenty of reasons for not caring, when in reality they need to be cared for.

What unlovely, uncaring person has God sent into your life recently? Describe why it is hard for you to be caring to this person:

1. Mother who's always in bad temper with me. Everybody know she doesn't trust me at all.
2. Yin who blam me everytime with lot of excuses. He treate me very very bad.
3. Paul who's always guide me to do something bad and dangerous. Used to rude attitude with me.

I don't know my love will growing or not, care them with courage or not, but Lord will give me the wisdom to face to them not excape.

I think I must learn to express my feelings something bad about me. It will help me to grow up.

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