Friday, March 31, 2006
Fighting for my brother's teeth
她返家後,我淨係話我幫她刷牙,嚇到她鬼殺咁嘈,死都唔肯;跟住我就叫她幫我刷,然後step by step咁執,直至她完全明白整個步驟為止,過程之中如果她做對了,我就讚佢做得0岩!上課完畢時她的表現都幾開心,BUT 晏晝開始又唔出聲,我就扮忙扮睇佢唔到。
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
相愛易 相處難
「相愛易,相處難」,似乎只是陳腔濫調,其實是至理名言。意大利詩人裴多菲有一首詩就這樣說 : 「樹上櫻桃千萬顆,我卻只有一個老婆,但就是一個已經嫌太多,她早晚終於會氣死我。」很難想像他曾寫過 : 「生命承可貴,愛情價更高。」
戀人相處,小心眼的人不願擺明說自己不開心,認為要自己說出來會很傷自尊心、不是味兒、沒意思,但又不能表現得完全若無其事,因為這麼一來對方就不會察覺「原來你不開心」。這時候就要找出一條微妙的界線 : 要隱隱約約、在若有若無之間表露出來,讓對方嗅到一些蛛絲馬跡 ... ...
在這個遊戲中必須緊記的是 : 適可而止。
如果愛情是動物性,單純是性,便很難解釋有些愛情會犠牲 。如果兩個人經常迫在一起,人性便會日久生厭、容易衝突。然而我們不能因為對方具有動物性或生理上的性質,便界定對方不珍惜關係,或界定這不是真正的愛情。只要克服這些相處的難關,便要恭喜各位!
"As far as the east is from the west, so far has God removed our transgressions from us."-Psalm 103:12
When God forgives, God forgets! Someone once said that when you bury the hatchet, don't leave the handle above the ground. You can always find the hatchet again that way, and dig it up again. God never digs up our past when He forgives! Isn't that beautiful! I am set free by God's loving forgiveness.
I ought to be glad, I will live in the peace of my forgiveness. I've some friends who loved me deeply.
Sparkless ending
Somehow I kept thinking about Wah in this trip. We planned to go to Hokkaido before I quitted Apple Daily. We would not seen each other in the future, eventhough we did have loved deeply.
Sometimes I thought about Margarita who had been driven me crazy in the past. He kept me in his second place. He played the leading role is Mr. Big.
Whoever was be loved or loved me, it's not an easy way.
Forgive me! I don't know how to love actually. Especially for "him" I wonder better evade each other.
Time is proof. I couldn't feel strength, he unclasped my hand from his hand.
I try to conceal who is the guy, cause hard to tell it will be sparkless at the end.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Storms of life
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
We have no need to be afriad the reality.
Because people always count on their strength, and our weakness at the same time.
Someone may treat you good.
We should remind ourselves the help in our time of need.
But the world may say we both are fool.
Any contradiction more?
Adorable Love
Love is the world may have changed, your love always stand by your side. But the reality is people always count on your weakness and leave.
A Love That Will Never Grow Old
Emmylou Harris
by Gustavo Santaolalla
Go to sleep, may your sweet dreams come true
Just lay back in my arms for one more night
I've this crazy old notion that calls me sometimes
Saying this one's the love of our lives.
Refrain: Cause I know a love that will never grow old
And I know a love that will never grow old.
When you wake up the world may have changed
But trust in me, I'll never falter or fail
Just the smile in your eyes, it can light up the night,
And your laughter's like wind in my sails.
(Refrain) Lean on me, let our hearts beat in time,
Feel strength from the hands that have held you so long.
Who cares where we go on this rutted old road
In a world that may say that we're wrong.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Perfect Peace
By Dr. Robert Schuller
"God will keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him, because you trust in the Lord forever."-Isaiah 26:3
I discovered the secret to peace of mind years ago as I was returning from a special mission in Korea. On the way home, I stopped in Hawaii and there I saw a beautiful sculptured statue of Jesus Christ returning to the sheepfold carrying the lamb that had been lost.
Jesus' weary expression confirmed my belief that He had spent long hours walking up and down the steep slopes, through crevices and canyons, until He finally found the lost sheep.
What struck me particularly about the statue was the peaceful appearance of the lamb as it seemed to curl itself around the neck of the Good Shepherd. The two front feet were folded gently, the one relaxed across the other. You could almost sense the feeling that perhaps the baby lamb was still trembling a little and his tiny body was still damp and cold. But as he relaxed on the shoulder of Jesus, he was warming up and a sense of calmness and security swept over him.
He was safe on the shoulder of the good Shepherd. He was lost, but now he'd been found. What peace flooded his being. He had been saved!
The secret of real peace of mind is to be found in Jesus; born anew through His Spirit, and trusting your future to Him! Jesus Christ is my source of true PEACE.
As I turn my attention to Jesus my
Savior, I can feel tension and anxiety
slipping away and a strong awareness
of peace flood my being!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Missing Leslie
Hanged arround TST couple days ago. It brought back many pleasant memories. But......
No more smile.
No more tears.
Somehow missing Leslie Cheung. Remember his favourite song.
I Honestly Love You
Olivia Newton-John
[Written by Peter Allen and Jeff Barry]
Maybe I hang around here
A little more than I should
We both know I got somewhere else to go
But I got something to tell you
That I never thought I would
But I believe you really ought to know
I love you
I honestly love you
You don't have to answer
I see it in your eyes
Maybe it was better left unsaid
This is pure and simple
And you should realize
That it's coming from my heart and not my head
I love you
I honestly love you
I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable
I'm not trying to make you anything at all
But this feeling doesn't come along everyday
And you shouldn't blow the chance
When you've got the chance to say
I love you
I honestly love you
If we both were born
In anoother place and time
This moment might be ending in a kiss
But there you are with yours
And here I am with mine
God has a positive answer
She wrote,
"Baby, I want to share this article with you. I hope it can help you to solve your problem and hope can well after you read it."
That's what I need to have the answer.
God has a positive answer
The only survivor of a shipwreck
was washed up on a small, uninhabited island.
He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him,
and every day he scanned the horizon for help,
but none seemed forthcoming.
Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut
out of driftwood to protect him from the elements,
and to store his few possessions.
But then one day, after scavenging for food,
he arrived home to find his little hut in flames,
the smoke rolling up to the sky.
The worst had happened; everything was lost.
He was stunned with grief and anger.
"God, how could you do this to me!" he cried.
Early the next day, however, he was awakened
by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island.
It had come to rescue him.
"How did you know I was here?"
asked the weary man of his rescuers.
"We saw your smoke signal," they replied.
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad.
But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives,
even in the midst of pain and suffering.
Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground
it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.
For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves,
God has a positive answer.
上帝說:「在人所不能的事,在神卻能。」(路 18:27)
You say: "It's impossible"
God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27)
You say: "I'm too tired"
God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
上帝說:「我愛你。」(約 3:16 & 約 3:34)
You say: "Nobody really loves me"
God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 3:34)
(林後 12:9 & 詩 91:15)
You say: "I can't go on"
God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)
上帝說:「我引領你前行。」(箴 3:5-6)
You say: "I can't figure things out"
God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6)
上帝說:「你什麼都做得到。」(腓 4:13)
You say: "I can't do it"
God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13)
上帝說:「你配。」(林後 9:8)
You say: "I'm not able"
God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8)
上帝說:「做了,你馬上就會覺得值得了。」 (羅 8:28)
You say: "It's not worth it"
God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28)
上帝說:「我原諒你。」 (約壹 1:9 & 羅 8:1)
You say: "I can't forgive myself"
God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
上帝說:「我供應你一切所需。」 (腓 4:19)
You say: "I'm poor"
God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19)
上帝說:「我並沒有給你一個恐懼的靈。」 (提後 1:7)
You say: "I'm afraid"
God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7)
上帝說:「放下你的重擔,我為你承擔。」 (彼後 5:7)
You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated"
God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7)
上帝說:「我給了每個人相同的信心。」(羅 12:3)
You say: "I don't have enough faith"
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith (Romans 12:3)
上帝說:「我給你智慧。」 (林後 1:30)
You say: "I'm not smart enough"
God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30)
上帝說:「我永遠不會捨棄你的。」 (來 13:5)
You say: "I feel all alone"
God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Insider vs Outsider
My focus should be on the other people, not on myself.
No fear, no escape, no deaf, no mute, no blind......for growing up.
When I could be have such couraged?
I'm afriad of doing something wrong or something worst again.
Don't want to trouble anyone, but still to be a troublesome being.
It seems to be a contradiction between my words and actions.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Secret Name
WOW! Is he really gay??
Kick out
They make many rules or principles, they believe their standard is alright. Their strength is making hard-feelings to friends, and let you down. Any kinds of bad things always come from their mouths. The most important point is they know you'll get away if they keep doing bad.
Too Hash for keep such "friends"!! Forgive me! It's time to giving up them.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Have Courage!
the mighty inner strengthening of His Holy Spirit."-Ephesians 3:16(LB)
For over fifteen years, Lois had battled cancer. Yet all of those years she served as my personal secretary. I never in my life expect to meet anyone more courageous than she was.
Often she had days when she was so ill that getting out of bed took all the strength she had! Lois would deliberately fall out of bed, walk on her hands and knees to the bathroom, reach for the sink and pull herself up. Finally standing on her feet, she would pull a brush through her hair, wash, and then force herself to get dressed.
Then she would stumble into the kitchen, drink some water, eat a dry piece of toast, search for her purse and walk to the door. Perspiration pouring off her forehead, she would stand up straight, look at her husband and say, "Well, Ralph, I think I can make it now."
And she would walk out the door, get into her car and drive to the church. She was always there before me, and when I came in with my usual greeting: "Good morning, how are you?" She would smile and say, "Great!" Her commitment to the ministry gave her the courage to stay alive many more years than her prognosis. Only God can give you that kind of COURAGE
Come, Lord, and transform my
melancholy spirit until my heart erupts
with joy and courageous happiness!
Unlovely people
Sometimes God sends into our lives people who are unlovely and very difficult to care for. All too often these people give us plenty of reasons for not caring, when in reality they need to be cared for.
What unlovely, uncaring person has God sent into your life recently? Describe why it is hard for you to be caring to this person:
1. Mother who's always in bad temper with me. Everybody know she doesn't trust me at all.
2. Yin who blam me everytime with lot of excuses. He treate me very very bad.
3. Paul who's always guide me to do something bad and dangerous. Used to rude attitude with me.
I don't know my love will growing or not, care them with courage or not, but Lord will give me the wisdom to face to them not excape.
I think I must learn to express my feelings something bad about me. It will help me to grow up.
Monday, March 13, 2006
I'll go to Hokkaido at 22/3/06, 5 days trip with honey. Hope I can find my way after this.
I wonder why I don't have any heart beat with him, but miss him sometimes. I don't enjoy such feelings.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
They hate your face, your sound, your attitude, your act.......
People will change their mind. World will change. Time goes by.
Beware the one who'd changed. Their destructive power is heavy.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Searching actor
Lin may want to give a hand. Well, later!
Somehow his sound seems like someone.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Feeling Bad
This week we have seen two examples of COURAGE, both different. One person lived boldly and courageously. The other had the courage to be still, and therefore lived. Perhaps you feel a strong desire for more courage in your own life. Take a moment and reflect on your circumstances. Where do you need to be more courageous in your life?
What would you do if you had more courage:
I want to challenge you to live today believing that what you have just written is true! And if you believe it, you will discover that it is true!
This remarkable spirit of courage is
overpowering me. What a relief!
P.S. I'm feeling bad, because friends tell me I need someone for more courage. That's me?! I want to believe in God who give me all, not for anyone. Not only I need to have a job for living. Finding the way to earn much more, not loss much money, but .... just feeling bad, and miss him little bit.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Mr. Right
May not be
He didn't will to see me. Well, we'd talked in ICQ more than 1 hour, but I felt he may not be suddenly...
I don't know why I couldn't concentrated on my work in this few days. Just ... I don't want to keep this mood. I must earn more money for the trip.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Don't throw away tomorrow
by: Robert H. Schuller
Happy New Year!! "This is the day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
It was in 1955 when Mrs. Schuller and I came to California with an impossible dream. It was a fantastic dream, to give our entire life to building one church, only one, for the glory of God and for the greater glory of His kingdom all over the world.
As I went to bed the other night, I prayed and I received ideas in my mind and I awakened in the wee hours of the morning and said to Arvella, "Don't bother me, just give me paper and a pen. I've got to write." So I went to my library with a yellow pad and pen and this is what came out. I feel that it is from God so I am sharing it in the same way this message came to me, without reworking or polishing it in any way...
Life is one long lucky road.
Let's get real as I share with you this message. I've been there and let me tell you, life is one long lucky road. Lucky? Yes. I'm talking to those of you who call yourself a secularist. Life is one long road, up or down, good luck or bad luck, but to the believer life is all "good luck." Christians use the word "blessed."
"All things work together for good to those who love God and keep His commandments." (Romans 8:28)
To you who say you've never experienced God, or, you believe God is up there someplace and, yes, you believe in Him, but you really haven't had Him in your life. You are so wrong! Everybody listening to me has experienced God in what you can all call "good luck." That is not a fantasy that is a reality.
For fifty years I preached possibility thinking and I still do. You have to make the good things in life happen. You have to be responsive and responsible. You have to have courage, faith and determination. I've lived possibility thinking. It works. I'll preach it the rest of my life. But let me put a little frosting on the cake. In the final analysis it comes down to luck. After all you've done, all you've paid for, you have to admit life is one long lucky road. And if you've never experienced something lucky in your life, then you can be an atheist. People say, "He's a lucky guy." Yes, but I would call him "blessed." But let's just look at the reality of luck in life.
This is my testimony. God is real. Let me show you how God blesses you on life’s lucky road.
How does good luck happen?
(1) God blesses us without consulting us first
Yes, God blesses us without consulting us first. We get an idea. We didn’t ask for it. We get a dream. We didn't plan it. Boy what a lucky idea I had. God blesses us without consulting us first.
Secondly, God blesses us without our approval because He knows we wouldn’t agree. We would see the price or the peril or the pain or the problems and we would show Him all of these difficulties and obstacles. So God doesn’t seek our approval. God doesn’t want an argument. He gives us the dream.
Thirdly, God blesses us where we need it the most and we could never guess where that is, but He knows. That is why God doesn’t consult us. That is why we don’t often see or sense the blessing. You can talk to God right now and if God would say to you, "I’m going to bless you ... I’m going to give you the blessing you asked for, what blessing do you want Me to give to you?" What would you ask for?
Often as I meet people in my travels around the world, I give people blessings and the one I most often use is, "May God bless you where you need the blessing most and He knows that better than you."
Make a list of all the blessing's you would like. List the blessings you hope for one, two, three, four ... up to ten. I know some of you would put chemotherapy as number one. Many would put at the top of their list more money to get your bills paid. I know others would list as the number one blessing that you would rise to the top in your job. List all your blessings. Someone’s list will include, "A hope that a certain somebody would fall in love with me because I need him or her." Now, when you are finished listing all the blessings you could possibly hope for, then show your list to God and say, "God bless me where I need it most!" And guess what, nine times out of ten, it is not number one, it’s not number two, it’s not number three or number four, it may be something you never even thought of. It might be, more than anything else, the blessing you need the most is more faith or more trust.
Recently at our Volunteers’ Breakfast, sitting at my table was Don Eyers. He has been a committed volunteer and dear friend for many, many years. Don reminded me of that one Saturday night at 6:00 PM, as he and his wife were preparing to go out to dinner there was a knock at the door. But when they opened the door, two men with a gun broke in and forced them to lie down on the floor. Don said, "My face was in the dust. They took our cash, our watches and our jewelry. They didn’t shoot us, but I can still remember the steel touching my skin, the gun on my temple. We were so shook up, we didn’t feel like coming to church the next morning, but we did anyway. And Bob, in your message you threw out a line. You had tested it with your wife, but she said, ‘don’t use it, it’s silly.’ You used it anyway. The line was, ‘When your face is in the dust, all you can do is trust.’" Don said, "I use that line so often and pass it on to people."
God blesses us where we need His blessing the most. He knows us a lot better than we do. He knows the future. We don’t. So we are blessed with surprises of joy and we say, "Oh you wouldn’t believe the great thing that happened to me!"
(4) God blesses us by not giving us what we want, but what we need
God blesses us by not giving us what we want, but what we need, so life is one long lucky road. Our values, too easily are not priced right in our mind. We put too high a value and pay too big a price for lots of things. God knows they aren’t worth it. That is why He doesn’t give it to us. God loves you. So we don’t get the job we want or experience the relationship we hope for. Or get the invitation to the event when others got an invitation. Why didn’t we? We don’t see that missing that particular event is a blessing. What we call "bad luck" is "good luck."
God blesses us where we need it most when the timing is right. God knows we all need to learn humility, but we don’t want to wait. We want it now. But God knows we need humility because without it, the blessings of good luck would spoil us.
I must tell you that every time before I got a big blessing, I went through pain. God was making sure that I could be trusted with the big blessing He was going to give. I would have to be humble enough to be patient. Life does have its hurts and disappointments, but in time we will see rejection as important conditioning in the same way that soil preparation is important to the farmer. Our souls need to be prepared so that we can be trusted with the big blessing God has for us.
(6) God blesses us with "good luck" coming out of what we thought was "bad luck"
At my stage of life I can see that every time I’ve had "bad luck" it always turns out to be "good luck." I sometimes had to wait thirty, forty or fifty years to sense it and see it. My life has been one long "lucky" road ... up and down ... up and down. But "good luck" always comes through pain or tears or hurt or hardship or trial or testing. For all of life is birth and death. It is living and dying. It is beginning and ending.
Every end is a new beginning! Yes, death is the first phase of a great new birth that is happening. It is like the pain of childbirth. Wow. There is no newness of life without change ... and change is almost always painful. But God knows that pain is always the prelude to new birth. So pain is proof that I’m alive. It is a sign of progress. Yes, all of life is "good luck."
Ah-ha! This is an "ah-ha" moment. Now we can see very clearly how ...
(1) God blesses us without consulting us first ...
(2) God blesses us without getting our approval ...
(3) God blesses us before we pray for it ...
(4) God blesses us even though He knows we probably won’t like it at the beginning ...
(5) God blesses us without checking our schedules and our calendar
(6) God blesses us always.
"Good luck" or "bad luck" ... if your face is in the dust, all you can do is trust! Trust tomorrow. Yes, we trust God anyway! We live with hope through life’s stages of trial, trouble, and yes, terror, knowing that God will have the first and last word and both will be good.
I’ve learned in more than fifty years of ministry that when we go through the storm, we cry out, "Where is God?" And I’ve walked with many of you as a pastor through the storms, as tragic as anything you can imagine. And you cry out, "Where is God?" I’ll tell you where He is. He is backstage in your life designing a rainbow. Look! And I hear you say, "I saw a rainbow in the middle of the storm." Listen! Do you hear the birds sing? Breathe deeply and smell the fragrance of fresh raindrops on the green leaf.
To you, my friends and church family, that is my life. That is my testimony. Life has been one long "lucky" road. That is why I could never, ever be an atheist. "Good luck ... bad luck."
"All things work together for good for those who love God and keep His commandments." (Romans 8:28)
That is why I urge you to take the Bible seriously and know that Jesus knew what He was talking about. And that is why I say to you, "Be an optimist! Always!"
So I close this message with the title of my book! Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow!
Prayer: O God, I can be thankful every day. I can be hopeful when I’m hurting. I can be optimistic when tomorrow looks bleak and black. Yes, good luck or bad luck, God loves me. He really does and I’m experiencing Him through moods and memories. God is loving me in my laughter, my tears, my labor and my leisure, my rising up, in my lying down, in my birthing and in my dying, until I come to stand before Jesus in that day in which there is no sunset and no sunrise, only eternal life and light and beautiful music forevermore. Amen.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
What do you think about this? How could I understand about him? Should I ?
Strange Dreams
1st dream
He wore a silver suit and a green tie which is he never wear before. He stood outside my apartment. Sukatai seemed to be blaming him. Mother was following Sukatai. I asked him inside to have a seat, and he did.
2st dream
We were in a big office and everywhere is white. We discussed something about work. He stood by my back, I was in his arms. Some papers on his left hand.
I could see his face and felt him in this 2 dreams. What's means?
I didn't have heartbeat feeling with him. And I am not always thinking about him. Should I?
監測病毒組織其中一名代表表示,初期患者發病時,完全或不完全接受別人意見,自以為是、鑽牛角尖,胡亂發脾氣等行為,病情嚴重者不但向至親發洩為樂,甚至情緒失控,精神錯亂,行為比獅子猛獸更加兇殘。防範病毒最有效的方法是謹記四個字 : 「大事化小」每人須經常留意自己、家人、朋友有沒有病癥,對患者多加提點包容。該名代表強調,如果患者及患者家人朋友互相指責,絕非抑制疫情的方法,反而令疫情惡化加劇。